Monday, May 30, 2005
3AM comes too soon...cover your arse!
It's almost ridiculously funny how a 3-almost-4 day weekend can be WAY too fucking long...but when it comes time to go back to work again, it just doesn't want to happen. What shit. Couldn't I have started drinking a little earlier, rather than waiting until, oh hi look, bedtime to have something cold and refreshing? Apparently not. Good times.So, I was cruising my normal hangout spot, and taking in all the, ahem, reality? (Jerry Springer Online? Quite possibly.) Now, I may sound like I am stereotyping people, and probably like an all out prick. Whatever. I am merely pointing things out...not judging. (Well, maybe a little. For lack of better words at this moment in time because I DID in fact crack open a cold one. Someone high-five me, QUICK!) Ah well, if I wasn't allowed my opinion, someone would have told me, I would have been arrested, punished and set free to live a horribly maimed life, like that of a mechanical tangerine. Since I haven't really caroused anywhere else, I dunno how society works anywhere but at good 'ol JS. So here I go with what I noticed:
1} Depressed people crying out for attention. Is this really the proper way? Can someone 500 miles away react as quickly as say, oh, Mummy or daddy when you do finally decide that slashing your wrists in the bathroom is a good idea? Letting feelings out to complete strangers in one thing, telling the people you love and love you is a horse of a different colour. For one thing, I can't help you. And stop listening to Dashboard Confessional. (Talented but I have never wanted to die more than when I listened to them.)
2} Usernames with the word 'Angel' in them. If you truly think so highly of yourself, then why are you so fucking depressed??? Red Bull gives you wings...not an O.D. on Tylenol. And furthermore, angels don't wear that much eyeliner.
3} OMG u new it waz cumming!!1! loelz!! I'm sure people can understand you when you SPEAK, but when you TYPE, my eyes bleed. Save it for your text messages at Junior High. Spare the rest of us, we are innocent. (Do English teachers exist anymore!?)
4} Hi! I've never bothered to look at your stuff, but would you stop by my journal/blog and leave me some comments? I'm not here for attention, much less to attend to those whose only worldy desires are to have EVERYONE pay attention to them. Especially when you are on this list. Fuck off, fuck off...fuck. off. But have a little respect. My username doesn't always mean what YOU think it does.
5} Bad Poetry. If there are ANY writers out there like me, (unpublished, lame drunkards of whatever), not even just writers, if there is ANYONE out there like me...then I am not alone in hating your bad, bad, bad poetry. I am guilty of it as well. Horrible, nasty shit. I wouldn't dream of ANYONE seeing it. (Much less N.L. who found my stash, and read it to the french teacher, with others in the room. Goddammit!!! *withering sigh*) We all have our style, but for fuck's sakes, if I see another poem about how horrible the world is...I may just claw out my own eyes. I do, in fact, like the good stuff...that makes ya think. (And isn't rubbed in one's face like a bad puppy who did a no-no on the new beige carpet.)
6} I got fired from my job for being unprofessional, and now I thrive on my fans for support, ATTENTION and money! We get the point. Go away.
Well, that was quick and painless. For me, anyway. I'm sure there's more I could go into, but I really don't have the time to bash every single person I have ever run into, nor do I actually care to. And I'm quite sure not everyone falls into those categories that may have one of the descriptions above. Always exceptions to the rule! Always. So no getting pissed! I acknowledged you! But sadly, stereotypes are stereotypes, cliche is cliche, and we can't do much to change the fact that they ruin things for the rest of us who may not be, but often find ourselves lumped in. I wonder which one I fall into...
I'll think on that one...and on making the Big Move. We shall see...
And as a sidenote, let's all remember, bright red backgrounds are The Devil. I love red. But I also love my eyesight. And being able to read your thingy.
*shades eyes*
I'm a bastard and proud of myself.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Is there a way to do this without looking like a TOTAL dorky-attention-whore-lameass? I have NO clue...but I'll make my point and see where it goes!Seeing as I am new to the Blogger/Blogspot community, I'm not real familiar with the layout and the getting to know aspect of the beeeeellions of other bloggers out there, so my plea, as futile or stupid or whatever is this: if ya pop in, say hi, say something helpful, leave a photo...whatever your style is. Wanna start a discussion about your favourite band? I'm down. Hail me from wherever you happen to be at the moment. Variety is the spice of life!
I'm here to spread my oddness and meet a few people on the way. Let's all ride the big kid rides together, even if you aren't tall anough.
So greetings, belatedly...
Yeah. I still feel like a big fucking nerd. Feel free to point and laugh. I can take it.

Our house is a very very very fine house
I was just standing in my kitchen area dancing, right...and I decided to name the areas of my house withouth walls. Well, my apartment. It's really only 2 rooms of fun...Bathroom, which is a given and then the rest of the house. I have my hot water closet/storage...EXCITING! My little washer/dryer closet. Spiffy! And then down my lavish 5 foot hallway, we come to my closet...*ooah and aaaah* and the kitchen area! What's this! Tile floor! Zounds! Over in the corner is the fridge, and it may be mosty empty inside, but the outside is covered with the goodness of beer bottle cap magnets, which I drank, glued and put on myself! I need more magnets...I have ass tons of bottle caps...
Anyway, before this tour digresses to the Pabst in the fridge, we shall make way to my Living/Dining/Sleeping area. Here lives Compy, the faithful PoS computer that will never die. *hugs Compy* and my futon, my very own that i OWN piece of furniture that I bought myself! With the help of You-Know-Who, I should add. He gave me the money for half so I would have something to sleep on.
I'm still settling in (2 months later) and my walls are bare, but that's ok! I'm getting an Animal House poster soon. *bows before the sloppy glory that is Bluto* I think I'll bug You-Know-Who about getting me a Union Jack to spread across my bed, or put on the walls. And I need a recliner to sit my gigantic pink bunny rabbit in, the floor CAN'T be that comfy! Plus I'm a bed hog and it's hot out and he hits in his sleep.

I'll conclude my tour, folk, with my balcony and the bright pink and orange folding chaise lounge thingy that takes up half the deck. And the ashtrays that I keep there for my friends because I have successfully quit smoking.
That's all gang...the beer is in the fridge...
Thursday, May 26, 2005

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
A.M, / P.M.

Me this morning. Can ya find meh?
Monday, May 23, 2005
It's kinda scary how hot it gets in my apartment, even though the weather has been cmplete shite. Rain. Hail. Grey skies. Wind. WTF? It's MAY! Almost June! With the door closed, I practically sweat. This would be great in the winter! Lower bills for me. But right now, I'm not that cold, and sitting here at the Compy, in a sweat is not my idea of a good thing.I don't keep my sliding glass door open much because of the children who choose to stand underneath my balcony and scream at each other. It makes the violence want to come out. AUGH. I don't honestly know why it bothers me so bad...but it does. Maybe it's the fact that I don't ever heard words all i head is *bloodcurdling scream.* Especially from one little girl. I'm going to start throwing heavy objects, or get blow darts. If there were no consequences, I would.

Sunday, May 22, 2005
Peep Show
I've been watching this great show from the UK called "Peep Show." You-Know-Who sends me an episode every so often...I swear, this show is fucking brilliant. It makes you makes you scream 'Oh my god no don't do that! What the HELL are you doing?!'....makes you want to cry along with the characters. The thoughts in their heads are so...normal. Yet, so out of the blue. ("I wish they were robots. I wish I was a robot. Wonder if iI could punch through a wall.")
There has never been a TV show to hook me like this one has. Thankfully they only do 6 episodes per series so it doesn't get watered down like American sitcoms. (You know who you are!) The script is brilliant.. The characters are amazing.
It's been beer thurty for a while. So my typing sucks.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
The tale of the past coupla days isn't long, but it's tedious and really doesn't say much about who I am. Well, it speaks volumes, but not in the best of ways. Makes me look like a big fat fucking idiot.Renewed my state ID the 19th, got my old one punched and my new temporary paper one. You know, the one that NOONE who sells beer, liquor, cigarettes or porn will accept. Therefore rendering you unable to do a goddamn thing until the new one finally comes in the mail. (Fortunately I actually have mail coming again, after the fucking postman decided my apartment was vacant after me living here for 2 months. Noone told me you HAD to put yer name in there. I was getting mail for the first month!!! Whatever.)
So yesterday I bopped on down to my local Circle K, and bopped on in all ready to pick me up a nice cold case of Pabst or something, and asked the monster at the counter if I could use my paper ID...cos I remembered on the walk there...and I was DENIED! Of course.*sigh*
Realising this, knowing the fact that my life would be askew for TEN more days, I began to panic I can't go to a bar...can't go to the gricery store...I'm back at where I was when I was 18 and had to find that over 21 buddy to go buy liquor. And I'm freaking TWENTY-SEVEN!
It's only 10 days, right? I can get through this!No, no I can''s the weekend, and I like to drink on the weekend. I WILL drink this weekend...somehow. Back in my pad, I sat in front of the computer and had a BRILLIANT idea...safeway and albertson's .com. They will DELIVER me beer! All I have to do, I bet, is give em my ID number online or something like that. Maybe I won't at all! Not so! Noone was delivering at that time. I heard a toilet flushing.
My boyfriend, who we shall call You-Know-Who (as he is also known as on my OTHER blog) feels bad, I can tell...he hasn't been ID'd for years, but the drinking age and all that other legal stuff is much different in Northern Ireland.
I mope and whine and want to throw myself on the floor because I really can't do anything about this silly little sitch. My old roomate didn't want to go, he just got home...OK fine. My best friend renewed his ID with me, so he couldn't go for me. You-Know-Who was MUCH too far away to even think about making that run. One buddy was across state, but offered his condolences, and my friend in Oregon offered to mail me beer.
What was I to do? What a bind I was in. A dry weekend! Heavens, whatever shall I do! It's unheard of!
You-Know-Who mentions to me my workplace. He says, have you tried work...don't you sell beer and wine n stuff?
And then the lightbulb comes on over my head. Being ever dim and probably about to burn out. That's when I got REALLY excited. All that anger..the three year old disappeared and the sun came out and angels sang and I made that beer run! Did I ever! Sad, though, that never ONCE did that cross my mind...>.<
I work at a place called Cost Plus World Market...some of you may know of it. So all of our alcoholic beverages are warm. Fine by me! I can pick up munchies while I'm here too! And I ended up making plans with my friend Lavender as well. Excellent! This shitty day has sure turned around!
So I went out last night for the first time in a looooong time. I'm lazy and I am broke most of the alone does that to ya. So I tend to arse out in front of my computer and drink or play video games or blog or do all three. I'm exciting like that. All we did was booze it up and watch a couple of films...White Chicks (haha!) and Little Black Book (downer!)
Lavender's cat with like 15 toes on each front paw came and hung out with me...he was so cool. I'll take a pic next time I go over...I forgot my cam this time.So that was my exciting Friday night. Tonight I get to go to bed early again, buttcrack of dawn calls. Being at work at 4am is the WIN!
I am so typing my entries in Notepad until I get the hang of this fucking site...*sigh*Thursday, May 12, 2005
Well, this is new...
I bitch about life here too.