Sunday, May 22, 2005
Peep Show
I've been watching this great show from the UK called "Peep Show." You-Know-Who sends me an episode every so often...I swear, this show is fucking brilliant. It makes you makes you scream 'Oh my god no don't do that! What the HELL are you doing?!'....makes you want to cry along with the characters. The thoughts in their heads are so...normal. Yet, so out of the blue. ("I wish they were robots. I wish I was a robot. Wonder if iI could punch through a wall.")
There has never been a TV show to hook me like this one has. Thankfully they only do 6 episodes per series so it doesn't get watered down like American sitcoms. (You know who you are!) The script is brilliant.. The characters are amazing.
It's been beer thurty for a while. So my typing sucks.
link | Whatsername again....? posted at 8:36 PM |

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