Saturday, May 28, 2005
Our house is a very very very fine house
I was just standing in my kitchen area dancing, right...and I decided to name the areas of my house withouth walls. Well, my apartment. It's really only 2 rooms of fun...Bathroom, which is a given and then the rest of the house. I have my hot water closet/storage...EXCITING! My little washer/dryer closet. Spiffy! And then down my lavish 5 foot hallway, we come to my closet...*ooah and aaaah* and the kitchen area! What's this! Tile floor! Zounds! Over in the corner is the fridge, and it may be mosty empty inside, but the outside is covered with the goodness of beer bottle cap magnets, which I drank, glued and put on myself! I need more magnets...I have ass tons of bottle caps...
Anyway, before this tour digresses to the Pabst in the fridge, we shall make way to my Living/Dining/Sleeping area. Here lives Compy, the faithful PoS computer that will never die. *hugs Compy* and my futon, my very own that i OWN piece of furniture that I bought myself! With the help of You-Know-Who, I should add. He gave me the money for half so I would have something to sleep on.
I'm still settling in (2 months later) and my walls are bare, but that's ok! I'm getting an Animal House poster soon. *bows before the sloppy glory that is Bluto* I think I'll bug You-Know-Who about getting me a Union Jack to spread across my bed, or put on the walls. And I need a recliner to sit my gigantic pink bunny rabbit in, the floor CAN'T be that comfy! Plus I'm a bed hog and it's hot out and he hits in his sleep.

I'll conclude my tour, folk, with my balcony and the bright pink and orange folding chaise lounge thingy that takes up half the deck. And the ashtrays that I keep there for my friends because I have successfully quit smoking.
That's all gang...the beer is in the fridge...
link | Whatsername again....? posted at 4:34 PM |

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