Wednesday, April 12, 2006
From 5-21-2005 I am a total idiot.The tale of the past coupla days isn't long, but it's tedious and really doesn't say much about who I am. Well, it speaks volumes, but not in the best of ways. Makes me look like a big fat fucking idiot.
Renewed my state ID the 19th, got my old one punched and my new temporary paper one. You know, the one that NOONE who sells beer, liquor, cigarettes or porn will accept. Therefore rendering you unable to do a goddamn thing until the new one finally comes in the mail. (Fortunately I actually have mail coming again, after the fucking postman decided my apartment was vacant after me living here for 2 months. Noone told me you HAD to put yer name in there. I was getting mail for the first month!!! Whatever.)
So yesterday I bopped on down to my local Circle K, and bopped on in all ready to pick me up a nice cold case of Pabst or something, and asked the monster at the counter if I could use my paper ID...cos I remembered on the walk there...and I was DENIED! Of course.
So, realising this, knowing the fact that my life would be askew for TEN more days, I began to panic I can't go to a bar...can't go to the gricery store...I'm back at where I was when I was 18 and had to find that over 21 buddy to go buy liquor. And I'm freaking TWENTY-SEVEN!
It's only 10 days, right? I can get through this!
No, no I can''s the weekend, and I like to drink on the weekend. I WILL drink this weekend...somehow.
Back in my pad, I sat in front of the computer and had a BRILLIANT idea...safeway and albertson's .com. They will DELIVER me beer! All I have to do , I bet, is give em my ID number online or something like that. Maybe I won't at all! Not so! Noone was delivering at that time. I heard a toilet flushing.
My boyfriend, who we shall call You-Know-Who (as he is also known as on my OTHER blog) feels bad, I can tell...he hasn't been ID'd for years, but the drinking age and all that other legal stuff is much different in Northern Ireland. I mope and whine and want to throw myself on the floor because I really can't do anything about this silly little sitch. My od roomate didn't want to go, he just got home...OK fine. My best friend renewed his ID with me, so he couldn't go for me. You-Know-Who was MUCH to far away to even think about making that run. One buddy was across state, but offered his condolences, and my friend in Oregon offered to mail me beer.
What was I to do? What a bind I was in. A dry weekend! Heavens, whatever shall I do! It's unheard of!
You-Know-Who mentions to me my workplace. He says, have you tried work...don't you sell beer and wine n stuff?
And then the lightbulb comes on over my head. Being ever dim and probably about to burn out. That's when I got REALLY excited. All that anger..the three year old disappeared and the sun came out and angels snag and I made that beer run! Did I ever! Sad, though, that never ONCE did that cross my mind...>.<
I work at a place called Cost Plus World Market...some of you may know of it. So all of our alcoholic beverages are warm. Fine by me! I can pick up munchies while I'm here too! And I ended up making plans with my friend Lavender as well. Excellent! This shitty day has sure turned around!
So I went out last night for the first time in a looooong time. I'm lazy and I am broke most of the alone does that to ya. So I tend to arse out in front of my computer and drink or play video games or blog or do all three. I'm exciting like that. All we did was booze it up and watch a couple of films...White Chicks (haha!) and Little Black Book (downer!) Lavender's cat with like 15 toes on each front paw came and hung out with me...he was so cool. I'll take a pic next time I go over...I forgot my cam this time.
So that was my exciting Friday night. Tonight I get to go to bed early again, buttcrack of dawn calls. Being at work at 4am is the WIN!
link | Whatsername again....? posted at 11:14 PM |

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