Sunday, June 05, 2005

Gah...not even.

My head hurts...I need new glasses all of a shoulders pop constantly.

Am I really falling apart at the ripe old age of 27, or am i just fucking with myself?

Ok, so not long ago, I got my first migraine. What a miserable experience that was. Good lord. Didn't really help it was after a night of medium level drunkeness. And completely out of aspirin.

Thankfully, I am good friends with 2 of my old roomates and one rushed to the store to get me something for my head. It would have been hell sleeping that off.

But then I never knew how caffienated migraine pills were until I felt them kick in. I was soo looking forward to arseing out and waking up at 4am to call into work, but no...not only was I almost completely incapacitated, I was utterly, unblink-ably awake. And all I could do was lay on my futon and occasionally look at the computer screen. What a shit day. Since then I've gotten one more, but it was nothing compared to that thunder boomer. Still not a happy thing.

Then there's the firecrackers in my shoulders. *pop pop pop pop* I reach for the salt, to brush my hair, put things on shelves...I never ever noticed it until March, when You-Know-Who was here, and he pointed it out to me wondering if it hurt much.

Now I wonder how I never noticed.

And, it's either I do a crap job washing my glasses, or my year old prescription is already out of date or whatever it is that glasses and optometrists call it. I call it annoying, cos it hurts to have my glasses off...I want to start getting headaches...but I want to look at all the crap on my glasses that I frigging missed when I just washed them 2 minutes ago.

I really hope I don't get it into my head that hypochondria is cool. It's not. First, I don't want to end up with a medicine cabinet full of laxatives and creams and gargles and pills...

Second, I am truly not neurotic enough to keep up with the OCDness of a condition like that. Sure, I'd buy the shit. Take it once. End up on my couch freaking out when I feel like something inside me is breaking. But that would be because I didn't ingest 40 lbs of Vitamin E that day. I just...didn't eat my daily regimen of analgesics and vitamins cos I was occupied with something else, like ruining my eyes by surfing the net in the dark.

The thought makes my head hurt. I need to lay down. I might fall asleep, but my joints are crackin' like the fourth of July.

link | Whatsername again....? posted at 9:25 PM |


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