Friday, June 03, 2005
I have the creepiest walk to work...
For the first 50 or so yards, maybe. Nothing better than walking by a cemetery at 4 in the morning.
UGH. It freaks me out.
Thankfully, I can wind my way to the street along a different path. One that I wish I had thought of before, cos it's a bit faster. But I'm really not that quick when I first wake up. And I am practically among the walking dead when I leave anyhow.
The guy I bought Compy from is coming over tomorrow to use the digital camera. He better not want to take dirty photos for Hot or Not or whatever it is he has up his sleeve.
I can't risk him seeing MY dirty photos either.
Not that he would care anyway, as he prefers boys. But I have to work with him, and that would just be bad.
No, please!
link | Whatsername again....? posted at 7:47 PM |

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