Monday, May 30, 2005
3AM comes too soon...cover your arse!
It's almost ridiculously funny how a 3-almost-4 day weekend can be WAY too fucking long...but when it comes time to go back to work again, it just doesn't want to happen. What shit. Couldn't I have started drinking a little earlier, rather than waiting until, oh hi look, bedtime to have something cold and refreshing? Apparently not. Good times.So, I was cruising my normal hangout spot, and taking in all the, ahem, reality? (Jerry Springer Online? Quite possibly.) Now, I may sound like I am stereotyping people, and probably like an all out prick. Whatever. I am merely pointing things out...not judging. (Well, maybe a little. For lack of better words at this moment in time because I DID in fact crack open a cold one. Someone high-five me, QUICK!) Ah well, if I wasn't allowed my opinion, someone would have told me, I would have been arrested, punished and set free to live a horribly maimed life, like that of a mechanical tangerine. Since I haven't really caroused anywhere else, I dunno how society works anywhere but at good 'ol JS. So here I go with what I noticed:
1} Depressed people crying out for attention. Is this really the proper way? Can someone 500 miles away react as quickly as say, oh, Mummy or daddy when you do finally decide that slashing your wrists in the bathroom is a good idea? Letting feelings out to complete strangers in one thing, telling the people you love and love you is a horse of a different colour. For one thing, I can't help you. And stop listening to Dashboard Confessional. (Talented but I have never wanted to die more than when I listened to them.)
2} Usernames with the word 'Angel' in them. If you truly think so highly of yourself, then why are you so fucking depressed??? Red Bull gives you wings...not an O.D. on Tylenol. And furthermore, angels don't wear that much eyeliner.
3} OMG u new it waz cumming!!1! loelz!! I'm sure people can understand you when you SPEAK, but when you TYPE, my eyes bleed. Save it for your text messages at Junior High. Spare the rest of us, we are innocent. (Do English teachers exist anymore!?)
4} Hi! I've never bothered to look at your stuff, but would you stop by my journal/blog and leave me some comments? I'm not here for attention, much less to attend to those whose only worldy desires are to have EVERYONE pay attention to them. Especially when you are on this list. Fuck off, fuck off...fuck. off. But have a little respect. My username doesn't always mean what YOU think it does.
5} Bad Poetry. If there are ANY writers out there like me, (unpublished, lame drunkards of whatever), not even just writers, if there is ANYONE out there like me...then I am not alone in hating your bad, bad, bad poetry. I am guilty of it as well. Horrible, nasty shit. I wouldn't dream of ANYONE seeing it. (Much less N.L. who found my stash, and read it to the french teacher, with others in the room. Goddammit!!! *withering sigh*) We all have our style, but for fuck's sakes, if I see another poem about how horrible the world is...I may just claw out my own eyes. I do, in fact, like the good stuff...that makes ya think. (And isn't rubbed in one's face like a bad puppy who did a no-no on the new beige carpet.)
6} I got fired from my job for being unprofessional, and now I thrive on my fans for support, ATTENTION and money! We get the point. Go away.
Well, that was quick and painless. For me, anyway. I'm sure there's more I could go into, but I really don't have the time to bash every single person I have ever run into, nor do I actually care to. And I'm quite sure not everyone falls into those categories that may have one of the descriptions above. Always exceptions to the rule! Always. So no getting pissed! I acknowledged you! But sadly, stereotypes are stereotypes, cliche is cliche, and we can't do much to change the fact that they ruin things for the rest of us who may not be, but often find ourselves lumped in. I wonder which one I fall into...
I'll think on that one...and on making the Big Move. We shall see...
And as a sidenote, let's all remember, bright red backgrounds are The Devil. I love red. But I also love my eyesight. And being able to read your thingy.
*shades eyes*
I'm a bastard and proud of myself.
link | Whatsername again....? posted at 10:26 PM |

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