Monday, June 06, 2005
Pointing fingers
Some people just don't know when to fucking stop and let it die. They can't seem to realise their cause is completely lost. They've put their finger in the frosting and ruined the cake for everyone else.You scream, "What about me!?"
I scream, "What about the REST OF US!?"
Thanks asshole.
I never even heard of you. You, the one screaming for attention when it was your own dumb fault you got screwed for what you did. It's called professionalism, and apparently it's something you don't posess. You oughta know better. You should know that no matter where or what you post nowadays, someone you don't want seeing your shit is gonna see your it, and then your whole world is going to explode.
You still utterly lack class. You always will. You coulda shut your mouth and gone on and gotten work elsewhere. Take some fucking responsibilty for what you did to YOURSELF. Cry for a few days then drag yourself back out to the real world and work like the rest of us. We don't live on handouts. Not like you do. You're at the bottom of the tank with the rest of the scummy lowlife.
I don't like a single thing you've got to say. Fair enough. But all it boils down to is vapid chatter from someone who just can't get enough attention, someone who says LOOK AT ME! Even after the horse is long dead and beaten to a pulp, and still getting beaten.
A lot of us have stopped caring. Whatever happened to you made not a minute difference in my life, except that NOW you are impeding on public domain. Have a little respect for yourself and for others and know when you've worn out your welcome. It's time to let it go. Move on.
Let the nice people do their work and move on. Quit screwing things up and making life ten times more difficult. You are NOT helping things any. You're the fat lady with a triple stroller blocking the aisle where I need to go.
And this activist persona you've taken on...we can't do what we like because YOU stand in our way. Nice try. Less is more. No really, in your case, it is.
Let the nice people have their space back.
link | Whatsername again....? posted at 10:24 AM |

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